VIDEO: Recruiting After-School Staff to Become Teachers

More than half of all students in the U.S. are students of color. However, only 20% of teachers are teachers of color. One way to diversify the teacher pipeline is to recruit and train after-school workers to become teachers, but very few states do this. And it’s a missed opportunity. I conceived, wrote, and producedContinue reading “VIDEO: Recruiting After-School Staff to Become Teachers”

VIDEO: Stop Criminalizing and Excluding Black, Latina, and Native Girls in Schools

Girls of color are five times more likely to be disciplined in school than their white peers. This video complemented an Ed Trust report about Black, Latina, and Native girls being harshly and unfairly punished for minor infractions, such as hairstyles and the way they dress. I served as writer and producer.

VIDEO: Why We Need Race-Conscious Policies in Higher Ed

Despite all the hoopla over affirmative action, income is not a proxy for race when it comes to higher ed admissions and policies. Black and White students and families with the same income often have vastly different experiences and circumstances that can affect educational and financial outcomes. In order to be equitable, there needs toContinue reading “VIDEO: Why We Need Race-Conscious Policies in Higher Ed”

Veo app

As the Director of Content and Social Media for Latinum Network, a multicultural consulting firm, I was responsible for the launch of their consumer-facing mobile app called Veo, which is essentially a marketing platform for brands. I conceived the voice, wrote all copy, including marketing, advertising, consumer education and promotional copy, and push notifications. LotsContinue reading “Veo app”

Get Covered America

As Director of Content and Social Media for Enroll America, a nonprofit group dedicated to educating the public about the Affordable Care Act, I helped launch their consumer-facing campaign, Get Covered America, which included writing all web, social, and brochure content. I was also the creator of the #GetCovered hashtag, which was adopted by the WhiteContinue reading “Get Covered America”

CDC Dating Matters: Teen Dating Violence Education/Prevention campaign

As a mom to a grade-schooler who represents Brooklyn all day, I already dread the teenage years. The statistics for teen dating violence are staggeringly depressing. That’s why I was so proud to be involved with the CDC’s ambitious teen ambassador program called Dating Matters “i2i: What R U looking 4?” which promoted what healthyContinue reading “CDC Dating Matters: Teen Dating Violence Education/Prevention campaign”